
Straight out of the camera today. The one picture I've taken! Bit wobbly as camera settings were still set from yesterday's bump shoot, and it was the only shot I got as Ben was coming back in from standing out in the rain!

He wanted to go outside this morning, in the rain. He eventually decided that it would be ok to put welly boots and raincoat on to go with the umbrella he (correctly) said he would need. We tend to avoid rain, to be honest. We run in from the car, huddle under hoods, take shelter whenever possible - I never have an umbrella or the right kind of clothing on us! So this morning I guess was his first real proper experience of rain, on his terms. He took his umbrella down the garden, stood there a while, played peekaboo with the umbrella and us, decided that rain was wet, and came back in.

There will be more days to go out in the rain :)

Before that though I went out for a prayer meeting - the ladies at church have quite spontaneously really decided that we need to gather together to pray together more often. So this morning was the second time we'd met. It's brilliant to see so many of the women coming together, hungry to dig in to God more.

And before that, well, before that I managed to gag on some water while I was cleaning my teeth and lost all my breakfast as a result. Next time I gag, I must remember to sit down and let my stomach calm down rather than trying to carry on rinsing my mouth out!!! Ah well.

After lunch I couldn't do any more. It was time for sleep. Ben was evidently fading fast as well and it didn't take very much persuasion for him to join me for a nap. While we were asleep Steve was planning the next section of floor tiling in the bathroom, and when we woke up Ben and I headed out to the supermarket while Steve did the tile cutting which we needed to be out of the way for. Shopping has taken my last remaining energy. Pizza is on its way. Have to draw the line somewhere.....

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