jeni and the beans

By themessymama

How To Wear Chocolate Icecream

Went out to the Tinworks at Aberdulais Falls today. Still raining, although more a persistant drizzle than full-on rain. Both the boys fell asleep in the car, so when we arrived at the tinworks we couldn't bear to wake them and instead let them both sleep another half hour. Quick coffee in the old school house, and then went for an exploration around the remains of the tinworks.

I think if we come back to the Gower next year for a holiday we'll visit the tinworks again, to see if the waterwheel is up and running again. The cousins arrived and Ben discovered a new lease of life running around with them, before we all descended back into the tearooms for lunch. That was loud.

Ben and Charley decided to have simultaneous meltdowns at the end of lunch so we beat a hasty retreat, with the thought of possibly meeting up in the internet cafe in Mumbles for pudding. Thankfully Charley fell asleep on the way to the other cafe so we had icecreams and bread and butter pudding and coffee in relative peace!

While I sat in the internet café Steve went on a bit of a mission for me. My blood sugars are all over the place again at the moment and I hadn't expected to be testing my sugars as much this holiday so hadn't brought any test strip refils for my testing kit. So Steve went to Boots to see if he could buy them - they're over £30 a pot, ouch!! But the staff at Boots told him to go up to the GP surgery, where he could get a prescription under a temporary resident's permit type thing and I'd therefore get them free on the NHS as per my medical exemption certificate. Clever, huh! So he did just that, and now we're waiting til tomorrow to pick the script up. Amazing, the things you learn.

So then it was home for a quick shower, and off to Chris and Therese's for tortillas before taking two crazy children back for bed. Who then didn't want to go to bed and decided that jigsaw puzzles were better (Charley manhandled and tried to eat the box; Ben did the puzzles). I fell asleep too and missed out on my evening's homework of looking through recipe books to choose something to bake with Iselin's help tomorrow!

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