This day

By snapper

The road less travelled

Today I had to go to Oban, indeed it seemed like a convoy as hubby & youngest were in one car, my eldest daughter & her pal in another and me driving yet a third car! why the extravegance I hear you ask? Well hubby and both daughters were going back to the island for a few days but all staying in diffirent places so the two girls decided to take their own cars and hubby will use his brothers van. Me I had to go to Oban to see to some work. A beautiful day for a change so on my return I took a detour. I drove round by Kilmore to see the wee thatched cottages my friend has built as self catering . There are five in total in the most stunning location. After taking a few snaps I decided to take a wee detour to a place called Musdale.
WEll I hve never seen a road like it in Argyll. It was up hill & down dale with hairpin bends on every hill top. I went through a series of stunning glens, the sun was just a tad low but the sights were amazing. I really ought not to tell you all of this as I want to keep it to myself. I also found an old pilgrims roads used to take a short cut to Iona and coming out at Kilchrenan. I really need to go back at a slightly earlier time. This amazing road led to a farm, all these miles and miles of crazy driving along single track over steep hills and bens was not for the feint hearted! There as often a hundred foot drop on either side at any give time. I will deffinatley return
If any of you are interested in the thatched cottages, I can vouch they are fantastic inside and one of them is also for disabled folks. If you want more info look up I think! and only a few miles from Oban.

The thatch was imported from China & the building was done by Polish guys and is amazing quality and finish but the icing on the cake is that fantastic road, it also has an old abandoned church and a picture round every corner. Deffo one for the camera club if they can go the Kyber Pass road

Have a good blip evening all

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