This day

By snapper


Today has been a day of extremes. First it began with ...rain! and remained with rain.
Then I had to do a washing and spent the remainder of the morning in between work getting the laundry dried in the campsite dryers. They are huge and dry a humongous wash in no time at all.

Afternoon spent doing paperwork for the cars as the number plates have been changed but now the insurances need altered too. Went to pay the TV liscenc at the post office only to be told they no longer have the contract its now done a t paypoints ! the first one didnt work and when I paid it with one that did, the woman said dont lose that receipt as thats proof of your liscence!! God this Gov will go to any length to save a few bob on us while they happily spend gazillions on themselves!

Eveing was spent at a concert given by a local Argyll lass who is a lovely singer and step dancer with her fiddler and guitarist. A good nights entertainment

Have a good night all

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