Armed Forces Day

Today Lochgilphead held its Armed Forces Day and it peed rain like you never saw the likes! Felt sorry for the vetrans and organisers who put so much work into the day. However its late afternoon and the rain seems to be easing off a bit. I couldnt help thinking (or should that be sinking!) that military personell don't get the choice on whether to fight etc only on nice dry sunny days!
This evening I meet up with the Irish lot that are coming in and giving a ceilidh this evening. Don't suppse many folks will turn out for that either. We are becoming a nation of lazies! if theres iether stupid football of stupid reality programmes on TV thats on goes anywhere.
Granted in this present economic climate going out can be expensive but a ceilidh with a good evenings entertainment for a fiver cannot be sniffed at. Last night's ceildi was only 5 quid and we had a great time. So come on folks, think about all these people who organises these events, the performers who travel and come out and support things. You don't see the youth of today avoiding the likes of T int he Park, Download, Rockness etc just cause of a wee drappy of Scotch mist! its the older ones who have become too comfortble in their armchairs in front of the TV. I have no doubt that Furnace lass will come bck and bite me on this one as she goes to just about every football match on the planet and good for her for doing so in her twilight years!!! Now Im really in trouble!!
Happy blipping all

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