
Well #1 son & I left the house reasonably early yesterday and took the bus to Ingleston to the Highland Show. The weather was dull with spots of rain when we arrived. First we went round all the usual sales stalls before it got too busy, then we hit the food hall and scoffed our way through all the free samples. (its handy having a big handsome son as all the lovely ladies kept giving him double of everything) We then hit the livestock and saw all the horses sheep and cows on the planet and being as it wasd the first day they were still all being titivated up getting washed, brushed and blow-dried to make them look pretty. When I used to do this job you were not allowed to drink alcohol until you ere free of the animals and then you could chill. Yestyerday I noticed a lot of younger stockmen all with crates of beer and many with bottles of whisky etc!! tut tut! Things change.
Unfortunatley the day got so wet that we had to give up wandering and didnt manage to see all the machinery so I was a bit dissapointed on that front but on a happier note, I bought myself a swish new waistcoat as a brithday treat to myself as its my boifday next Tuesday so I suppose it wasnt all bad!

Happy blipping

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