Digging for Victory
Here's Conor (Sir Conor as he is in his knight's costume) bringing the spade to Grandma, digging in the small veg garden. Actually she's sowing radishes, so I'm not sure what good the spade is going to do her.
Busy day on the 'will we / won't we buy a house' front. Having not had the answer we needed from our lawyer - again - we drove to her office. Obviously she was not there, but her assistant was and once again she had to take the brunt of our frustration, despair and poor French. We left rather disappointed, convinced now that we could not sign for the house on Friday. We had been hoping to achieve some level of comfort that the risk we would run in signing before the two month period after the court order permitting sale has expired, was in fact a negligable risk. No such luck. The problem with this is that if we don't sign until the middle of July, we will be unlikely to get any work done until September (as many artisans just don't work in August).
Anyway, we will at least have beetroot and radishes to keep us happy until then.
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