Hot Cake
I wonder if 40 is the limit for having the right number of candles on your cake? For the person carrying the cake across the house, it certainly is. And I think if I do a cake with more candles, they'll have to be longer or slower-burning - or I need more than one candle-lighter on duty.
Mr B's birthday is actually during the week, but we thought we'd celebrate in advance. A perfectly balanced lunch of curry snacks for us, and party biscuits for the kids. And of course a huge cake. The decoration, which you can't see too well in this is Scottish and French flags: The Auld Alliance.
I mysteriously hurt my foot last night while lying on the sofa watching an episode of 'House' where a patient mysterious broke his leg while lying in bed. Suggestible? Me? Anyway, walks are off the agenda and I even sent Katherine out to get the paper and some bread. So a lazy afternoon and evening of catching up with taped Dr Who and other telly. Bliss.
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