jeni and the beans

By themessymama


It may not be as pretty or photogenic as the old drumkit, nor is it really what we we hoping for, but actually it's pretty good. We kinda like it. Except for the "demo" button which sends Ben running for the hills. Ben loves drumming on it, it sounds half decent, it's small, it's portable (it can run on mains or batteries), it works. I've not discovered if it has a headphone input yet but I suspect it does. (I imagine that really would send Ben running for the hills if he accidentally hit the demo button while wearing headphones...!)

He got his hair cut today. He was a star, as usual. The child has no fear of the salon! In his eagerness to get inside he completely missed a step and fell flat on his face. Thankfully (?) his arm bore the brunt of the fall and he escaped with a tiny graze on his elbow. He dusted himself off and went in and climbed up onto a chair, and I was able to sit in an armchair and wait for them to finish! As a thankyou for being so well behaved, we went off in search of a treat. I offered gingerbread men, donuts, croissants... but all he wanted was an apple juice! In fact he's barely eaten all day. Drank loads but not eaten much. And yet STILL has had more energy than me.

We had Ben's first "run out into the road without mummy" incident today as well. Thankfully it was only a minor side road with zero traffic, but still it gave me a proper fright. We had a little "chat" on the other side when I'd caught up with him, about what the road is and what the pavement is and which one he's allowed to walk on by himself and that he needs to stop when he gets to a road and wait for mummy. He's not been allowed to run by himself near a road before, only on the pedestrian area in town where he's told if he flies or runs away from mummy he gets put in the buggy so he knows not to go too far and is usually very good.

Steve came home early today. He's gone off camping to Fontwell Racecourse with a group of men from church, so he had the afternoon off to buy a sleeping bag and get packed and to get there early enough to put the tent up in the sunshine. We had a lovely walk through town with him, got some bargains at an outdoor shop, had coffee, walked home. Ben fell asleep on the way home as I thought he might so he has missed out on saying 'bye to daddy but I'm sure he'll manage. He'll probably manage far better than me! He made the transfer from buggy to bed superbly.

Once Steve had gone I went to bed too. My goodness I needed that nap. Second day in a row we've gone out at lunchtime and ended up out all afternoon.

I had pot noodle for tea. Ben tried some bread dunked in the sauce and spat it out immediately. I guess that means he was disgusted with it!!! I couldn't eat it all either... I may have to have some more cereal before going to bed. I appear to have lost the ability to cook, all I can manage is toast or cereal! It's the sheer effort of making anything else, trying to cook while feeling delicate, dealing with a child who HAS to be in my immediate vicinity at all times, tripping over toys left behind me, getting more and more hungry - it's not worth it. I'm utterly reliant on Steve cooking at the moment.

Thankfully we're out for dinner tomorrow night, Steve is escaping the conference for the evening and we're going into Brighton for his boss's leaving do. Lucky so-and-so has been head-hunted by a rather large (global) company in the USA, so after a LOT of hard thinking has decided to go for it. Once in a lifetime opportunity really. And Steve is home on Saturday. Phew!

Sleep tight blipworld.

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