jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Dirty Stop-Out

Went "out" out this evening, a farewell dinner for Steve's boss who is off to new exciting things in Los Gatos, CA. (Is that how it's spelt? I've not had time to check...) This is him looking at one of the trinkets he was presented with. Nice to have a meal out with Steve but about halfway through my head (and body) started craving my bed. Especially when I heard Ben had gone to bed at 8.30 - his earliest for a couple of weeks, and I wasn't there to savour it!!

I came home, felt well enough to do the dishwasher AND washing machine, sorted out one of the worst nappies Ben has presented anybody in months (poor poor Sharon babysitting), and went upstairs to find Ben had climbed out of bed (I did think I'd heard something but as it didn't develop into crying I didn't investigate) and was lying sprawled across my side of the big bed. I'm lying sort of sideways writing this.

Let sleeping toddlers lie, though. That's my thinking right now. Let sleeping toddlers lie.

Swimming went well, in fact I only got dressed today to get Ben to swimming. Rushed to the bus stop, did swimming lesson, rushed home, rushed Ben's dinner and a snack for me, rushed to train station to meet Steve...

Time to close my eyes now and hope I fall asleep before Ben wriggles his way up the bed to snuggle in next to me.

'Night, blipworld. Sleep tight.

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