jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Beach Gnomes

Two little hooded gnomes, sitting watching the sea :) Quite possibly the calmest and quietest they were all afternoon.....

Met up with Libby and Nat and baby Hannah after tots this morning. Caught the bus into town and met them for lunch. Felt like I'd not seen Lib properly for far too long! The boys were bouncing off each other before they'd even seen each other in the cafe, but somehow we managed to spend four hours in various establishments with the boys running riot (not getting into trouble, just running round playing). Thankyou Madisons cafe, H&M, Next and Costa for not being too bothered about the small children being noisy and hiding in clothes rails / under tables and running round making most people smile...! And thankyou Libby for a lovely afternoon even if Ben was driving me potty :) I suspect he would have been driving me potty wherever we'd been, so to have company was lovely and much needed :) xx

Small manic child now fast asleep, face still covered in mocha and chocolate muffin.

I'm going to have a lie down now....

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