jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Ben's First Lego

Bleurgh!! We arrived North at 3am, were let in by Steve's mum, and went straight to bed. Steve on the floor on a single airbed, and me and the boys in Auntie Ruth's double bed as she was off house-sitting for the weekend.

What a journey. Because we set off late, Charley was grumpy and tired and just wanted mummy cuddles and to go to sleep but couldn't get to sleep because he wanted mummy. By 11pm we still hadn't left Surrey. After changing a particularly dreadful bright green acidic looking nappy (Charley practically howled when I said I was going to have a look in his nappy, and gave me the most accusing look ever) he finally went off to sleep licking my finger as I contorted myself to reach him from the front seat.

Still, to their credit, both boys went straight off to sleep when we got into bed and we managed a pretty decent sleep, all things considered.

Ben, being the only one of us who had got anything like a full night's sleep, having fallen asleep early on and sleeping through Charley's wailing, was awake and bouncing and wanting breakfast by 8. So did Charley. So we got up...

Breakfast of porridge, strawberries and toast. Messy but good ;D (Oh and tea. Needed.)

The Sun are doing a giveaway this week so after breakfast Steve and Dad and Ben went off to buy the paper and get the first toy (Batman and the Batski - Ben and Grandad pictured above making it), and while they were out mum and I took Charley and went for a walk to the supermarket - which just happens to be next to John Lewis so we went in there first for a scone and a coffee as Charley had fallen asleep. (He was asleep before we'd even left the house, I wasn't going to pass up on a chance for a coffee in peace!) Some incredibly beautiful displays in there. The haberdashery department had created these amazing jellyfish. I'd LOVE to create something like that. Goodness knows where they'd go, but gosh they were beautiful. Shopping done we called Steve to come pick us up!! Haha lazy :D

Lunch of pizza and salad. Charley had pizza and crusty bread, tried cucumber and tomato and after his initial looks of disgust decided they were pretty good.

After lunch (where we were joined by Ruth and her beau, and Aunty Joan as well) we headed off to the park for Ben to run off some energy. He had a blast, Steve and I took a walk to the "Artisan's Market" nearby, Charley slept. Perfick.

Home again and relax, collapse on the bed thinking Charley wanted some mummy time but I think he was trying to tell me he wanted his dinner by gripping my arm and squealing and wriggling and generally being quite happy and chirpy but not wanting any boob. I am expecting bruises on my arm.

Hotpot for tea, Charley declared it Good; had carrot and potato and meat, the chocolate cake for Aunty Joan's birthday went down well too! A sudden tiredness followed dinner so Charley and I went straight off up to bed where I was joined by Ben some unknown amount of time later, and eventually Steve came up too....

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