All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Squirrel from the west!

Busy, busy day today!

Was knackered this morning after Ethan woke for a feed at 4.30am and then just wouldn't go back to sleep again. He fell aleep during his feed, but woke crying when I put him in the crib, fell asleep on my shoulder when I walked around with him but woke crying when I put him in the crib, fell asleep on my tummy when I lay in bed with him, but ... you've guessed it ... woke crying when I put him in the crib! Eventually even hubbie woke up and he took over. Fifteen minutes later Ethan was asleep in the crib! On reflection though he had slept from 9pm - 4.30am which is the longest stretch he has done for a long time so I guess I shouldn't complain!

I was so tired though that I nearly didn't go to Bounce & Tickle this morning. However I was glad I made the effort as who should I meet there but Baby42 and her mummy! I was rather bemused at first to hear someone call out my name but Mrs42 had recognised me & Ethan from my blips! It was fab to meet her and her beautiful daughter.

After that, Ethan & I drove through to Glasgow to meet my friend Shona & her wee boy Ruaridh. The boys were so good and slept while the 2 mummies ate lunch. They then lay side by side on the playmat really nicely and Ruaridh had great fun trying to eat Ethans hands! We could have sat there watching them for ages but it was such a glorious day we went for a nice long walk through Queens Park instead. I had such a good day, but think I overdid it with the sunshine as by the time I got home I had a pounding headache and felt sick. Touch of sunstroke perhaps?? Anyway, hubbie took over Ethan duties whilst I napped in bed for an hour and now feel much better for it!

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