All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Nearly bedtime

After Ethan went to bed so early last night, I was rather concerned about what time he'd wake this morning as a result. I needn't have worried as he slept till 6.30am which was nearly a 12 hour stretch!

Most of today has been the same old, same old. I dropped Ethan at nursery, then busy day at work, hubbie picked Ethan up from nursery and I met them back home. Hubbie then had playtime with Ethan while I cooked pasta bolognese (why does cooking from scratch always take me way longer than I think it will)?

Ethan played his latest favourite game while I was running his bath. Closing doors! The problem with this is that he can't quite reach the door handle yet so we have to open it for him, 2 seconds later he thinks it's funny to close it, then demands we open it straight away. And so the game goes on and on!

I also discovered a few days ago that he can now climb up on the nursing chair and likes to rock it back and forward. I'm glad he likes it because it's one of the baby purchases which I haven't used anywhere near as much as I thought I would. I'd still be loathe to sell it though as it's such a comfy chair!

It turned out to be an expensive day today though as we confirmed with the car dealership that we're going ahead with the purchase of a new car! All going to plan, we trade the Volvo in for a Fiesta next week. It's a much smaller car but will hopefully be way more economical than the fuel guzzler which is the Volvo.

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