All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Poorly Zoe

When I took some photos of Zoe this morning, I did so with a horrible feeling it would be the last ever photos I could take of her. She's a very nervous cat at the best of times but over the past few days has been keeping herself to herself and not eating much. Last night, I noticed lots of watery blood stains all over the bed in the spare room where she has been hiding out. When I checked her, she seemed to be bleeding from her bottom which looked very sore and infected. I remember one of my childhood cats displayed similar symptoms when she was elderly and her organs started shutting down. She had to be put down a few days later and I was petrified this is what was happening to Zoe, as she's now 14.

So today I took her up to the vets to be checked over, wondering if I'd be coming home with an empty cat basket. You can imagine my relief when the vet said it looks like an abcess beside her bottom which has become infected and burst. IT is nasty though and she had to have an antibiotic injection. She has also lost lots of weight and the vet thinks she has a possible thyroid problem, but they'll investigate that once she has got better from this.

It was an expensive day today because as well as the vets bill (which will probably be the first of many as she has to go back again on Monday) we finally bought our new bed and mattress. We've been trying to decide for a few months now whether or not to get some work done to the bathroom or invest in a really decent new bed (our current one is 13 years old and pretty past it). We saw a gorgeous solid oak one a few months ago but it was really expensive so we've been trying to justify the price to ourselves. Found out today it's now on sale - £180 cheaper! So it would have been daft not to buy it haha! Also managed to get a great deal on a good quality mattress too so although we're £800 lighter, we're happy with our purchases.

Stopped off to see my sister and baby Eden for an hour or so too. Ethan was overtired by this stage though as he hadn't had much of a nap today (and as usual had been up too early during the night - 4.30am today). So unfortunately they didn't see him at his best! He had a meltdown once we got home and was chomping his fingers, so I gave him some baby nurofen. Within 2 minutes he was like a different boy. Really happy and he even ate tons of dinner (including lots of strawberries and some banana which was fab as he has been refusing fruit all week)!

Currently 7 week old baby Eden is sleeping better than 16 month Ethan! Please, please can we now have a good night tonight?

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