All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and the duckling

We had a 5.45am start from Ethan this morning. Compared to the 4 something starts we've had recently, that's almost starting to look reasonable, lol! I did feel a bit sorry for Foreveryoungs hubbie though who had ended up staying over at ours at the last minute, last night, as he was in the room next door to Ethan and he'd had a later night, putting the world to right with hubbie!

Late morning, I walked down to The Centre with Ethan and then back via Sainsbury's. All the shops were very quiet - obviously people had better things to be doing than shopping on a warm Easter Sunday! Ethan slept for 1.5 hours while we were out and woke up 10 minutes from home. He just chilled in his pushchair when he woke, making no signs to move. Until we walked past the playpark and he pointed and let out a loud squeal of delight! Think he was rather disappointed when we didn't stop there!

After a late lunch, hubbie & I took Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre for a wee while. As well as his usual time spent on the swings, slides and tramplines, we also saw baby lambs being fed (and got a shot at holding the bottle) and got to stroke a 10 day old duckling and a baby rabbit. At least, I stroked the rabbit - Ethan looked rather scared of it. Not surprising really as it's one of the giant rabbits which grows bigger than the average cat so even the baby was pretty huge! He was much more interested in the duckling it has to be said! We also watched their duck race, but we didn't win. I don't think Ethan will ever see so many plastic yellow ducks in one place ever again! Hope he doesn't now think the pond is a big bath tub!

He had a massive dinner - home made fish pie, strawberries, fromage frais and ..... easter egg! He wasn't too sure about the milky bar egg when he first had some yesterday but I think he would have polished the remainder off this evening if I'd let him!

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