All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

I like to ride my tricycle!

It was a normal working day for me today as Good Friday isn't a Scottish Bank holiday. This meant Granny and Grandpa were on duty again today. Actually, their day started earlier than usual as I had a horrendous night again with Ethan. His sleeping seems to be going downhill every night as I was up for ages with him at 2.50am and then he woke again around 5.30am. Luckily the second time Grandpa offered to take him, so I gladly took him up on that offer!

When I got home they told me Ethan had enjoyed Bounce & Tickle this morning (it was in Bathgate today) but that he hadn't napped very well today so was rather tired. Also, usually if hubbie and I aren't around, it's Granny he wants cuddles from but today he kept going to Grandpa.

He had already been down to the playpark twice on his tricycle when I got home but not long after me returning, I caught him trying to climb onto it in the hallway. So Grandpa & I took him out for another walk ride. We tried to go a different route but you can't really avoid going near the playpark and he started pointing to it as soon as we were near. So he ended up going for a 3rd time today!

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