Garden Centre

17 months 17 days

Katie started out wearing a really pretty, girly, slightly frilly flowery romper. With frilly socks. All very small frills, but big funky colours. It worked for her. She looked gorgeous (see where this is going yet?) Within 10 minutes of arriving at Montessori, she was soaking wet. She had a glorious time in the water trays and spent most of the session playing there. When she wasnt playing with the pasta tray. I had 5 kids playing hunt the pebble in the pasta and threading bits of pasta through a hole in the small pebble. Katie thought it was wonderful.

After a bit of lunch, she had a good sleep, before we went out for the afternoon. She had a lovely time at the garden centre, squealing 'pretties, pretties' at the flowers, and jumping in the huge puddle again. Monkey got a little wet in the feet, as he too went splash. She had a good play round the soft play as it was empty apart from one other boy. She loves it when these places are quiet and was going full speed round it. She got very excited to go see the 'feeesh' in the aquarium and waved goodbye to every floor-level tank before we left.

It's been a bright and cheerful day, full of bright and cheerful moments. Consequently, I struggled to choose my blip today. Should I use my Colorful Moments inspired Sock Shot that I got this morning in Katie's beautiful new rompersuit that she started the day in? Or should it be reflections in the sunshine. Nope, I've probably not picked the most incredible photo, but I didn't think the grin could be beaten. Its summed up our day really.

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