- from United Kingdom - Scotland
- 421 entries
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Now nearing 300 blips!!! Although I'm not able to blip daily now, so it's taken me a while to get there!!
Blip has utterly changed my life... To a slightly bewildering degree!! I feel I've found a missing part of myself taking photographs!! I know it probably sounds corny, but it Read more...
Now nearing 300 blips!!! Although I'm not able to blip daily now, so it's taken me a while to get there!!
Blip has utterly changed my life... To a slightly bewildering degree!! I feel I've found a missing part of myself taking photographs!! I know it probably sounds corny, but it's true!! I've always wanted to be good at something creative.... And now its happening!! I have learned so much.... And have had an amazing journey!! I have SO much more to learn... And cannot wait!! I've fallen in love!! I find it hard to believe that only a year ago I didn't own a camera that worked, and wasn't intersted anyway!!!! Thank goodness a friend encouraged me to join here though!!! :-))))
I've also taken risks this year.... From the courage to join and post that first photo, the courage to try new things and post them up, and the risk of spending a helluva lot of cash on a lovely DSLR and a ton of accessories!! :-))
Although my lovely, trusty Panasonic TZ10 is still a firm friend!!! :-)))
Photography has opened my eyes!! But Blipland has helped me grow!!!! This is such a beautiful place!! Affirming and warm!! But it still pushes me to stretch myself... And do better!! To try and capture the beauty I see just a little bit better each time!! Thankyou wonderful blippers.... Many who are friends to me!! :-))
Enough said!! :-)))))
Jul 8th, 2011 A whole new adventure....
Jul 7th, 2011 Up, up and away.......
Jul 6th, 2011 Drawing the short straw....
Jul 5th, 2011 Wow....turn that DOWN!!!!
Jul 4th, 2011 Where the earth meets the sky...
Jul 3rd, 2011 Sunny Sunday......
Jul 2nd, 2011 Oak Eggar Moth......Beautiful!!!!
Jul 1st, 2011 Whitelee Windfarm....
Jun 30th, 2011 West Side Entrance of Pollock House....