All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

.... and relax!

Teething has a lot to answer for. Poor Ethan was up at 2am, inconsolable. Each time I thought I'd managed to get him off to sleep by sitting with him in the rocking chair, he'd start crying again as soon as I tried to put him in the cot. After 45 minutes though I finally managed it. I suppose that wasn't too bad in the big scheme of things as we've had much worse nights than that, but it didn't feel so great at the time!

Fortunately he then slept in till 7.45am but I woke with a pounding headache which just didn't shift all day. Ethan has been grumpy today too but his flaming cheeks show there is a lot going on in that wee mouth of his.

We went for a wee drive to the recycling centre today to get rid of some rubbish, as our black bin is full. Then headed to Sainsbury's and Ethan fell asleep on the way there. Rather than wake him, we sat in the car park for 1/2 hour and I read a book while I waited for him to wake up. By the time we'd finally got the shopping done and driven home, we didn't have long in which to eat lunch before heading out to our PEEP class. Unfortunately it's the last time we can go to that class as I'll be working Tuesdays from now on. Based on the conversations I had with several of the other mums at PEEP t it seems like he wasn't the only grumpy baby today! However, Ethan did cheer up most of the time we were there though as he really enjoys the class.

He fell asleep in the car again on the way home and I managed to transfer him from the car to the sofa without waking him. He slept for an hour and a half but was REALLY grumpy and clingy when he woke. Although he was all smiles for hubbie when he got home, that didn't last long and soon hubbie was experiencing grumpy Ethan too.

Luckily he went to bed without a fuss so I then went for a soak in the bath. Bliss .... well it would have been apart from the fact I hadn't noticed Ethan had removed the plug and hidden it in his bath toys basket! By the time I realised there were more bubbles than water, the water had run cold, so my bathtime soak didn't last long!

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