All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Up close and personal

Today Ethan had his 2nd settling in session at nursery and had to go for 2 hours. As he was really grumpy early morning, I decided to walk down with him in the hope he'd have a wee nap on the way down. It's a 25 minute walk but he didn't fall asleep till 10 minutes before we got there. I was all for waking him up as I was worried about him waking up somewhere strange without me being there, but the staff said to leave him sleeping and they transferred him from the pushchair to a cot successfully. I must have looked a bit upset as I left as 2 different members of staff asked if I was ok! I did have a lump in my throat though as I walked home with an empty pushchair!

It was weird walking in to an empty house, but at least the cats were here to keep me company! I had an early lunch and read a magazine but after an hour, felt a bit guilty about just sitting there, so had half an hour of manic tidying up before driving back to the nursery to pick him up. When I arrvied, he was sitting playing quite happily with the other children. As soon as he saw me though, he burst into floods of tears! Oh dear - that set me off too!

After nursery, we were heading over to Linlithgow to visit my friend Jane and her 2 boys. Ethan fell asleep in the car so once we arrived at Janes, we moved him in to her pushchair where he carried on sleeping. She had to take her eldest son to nursery not long after we got there, so I stayed at her house with Ethan and her 3 month old son. As Ethan was still sleeping, I got to have lots of cuddles with Andrew - so nice to be cuddling a wee baby again!

I took this photo after Ethan's bathtime this evening. Although I took loads which are much better quality, this one makes me laugh. He won't now sit still and "pose" when I get the camera out but keeps lunging forward to push down the bit on the camera which pops up when the flash goes off (no idea what the technical term is)! It's making it very hard to take photos of him these days!

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