
By heraldino

Dwelling III

Bad Sad news: - Another reminder

Generally speaking, I find zoos very depressing, even the ones that do a good job of providing suitable habitat for their animals. Efforts to stop species from becoming extinct would be more admirable if it weren't such a moneymaking endeavor for the zoos, who make big bucks selling stud rights for breeding animals. All a bit shady. But dammit Mexico, I know you're a bit f'd up right now with all your drug cartel shit going on but letting animals freeze to death? Come on! I don't care that it's reptiles and amphibians mostly, the level of negligence is just deplorable.

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Good news: - The next installment of "Keep it up, Barbie!'

Yes, keep going, keep spewing, keep making those sweeping statements that don't really say anything and using those phrases that make you sound dumber than a box of rocks. Every time you're interviewed, I do believe, the American public, even your most avid fans, get a little glimpse into your mind, or rather, the vacuous space where your mind ought to be.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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