
By heraldino

Dwelling IV

Neither bad nor good news: - No fun, is it?

Sorry to hear Mark Zuckerberg has a stalker on Facebook, but excuse me, Mark, surely you knew that the potential for stalking on Facebook is huge, or were you too busy raking it in to think about that?

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Bad Irritating news: - Ignoramus

Is Dr. Phil a real doctor? Is he a real psychiatrist? Jeez, I hope not. Advice like this could scar a kid for life. I'm sorry Dr. Phil, if a little kid is gay, they usually know it long before puberty. It's not like some switch is flicked at a certain age to bring on feelings toward the opposite (or same) sex. I would hope that a parent has enough smarts to recognise the difference between a little boy playing with a Barbie because that's what all little boys do at some point (it's called long hair and boob fixation) and playing with a Barbie because he would like to be a little girl instead. The worst thing to do would be to force anything one way or the other.

The views expressed in my journal are mine alone and do not reflect the views of blipfoto or any members of their staff.

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