Gable Erratic

By MsGable


I made it. 365 with no passes. And what fun it has been.

Firstly, thank you to all at Blipfoto who made this amazing site, and just keep adding to it with new and exciting ideas. And thank you Ruaridh. If it hadn't been for a photograph of you I may not have found this place.

Thank you to all the lovely people who look at my journal, who comment and encourage me, who laugh with me, and commiserate on the bad days. I feel I have met some really special people here.

And a huge thank you to Hellonwheels for joining me wholeheartedly on this journey; even though we didn't really need another hobby, did we?

It has been a wonderful year. Thank you all.

G's idea of hanging squares of paper with numbers on round The Girl's necks was never going to work.

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