Lots of lovely people,
Ingenious and creative images,
Photographic mentors.
Fun, fun, and more fun from an
Outstanding and original idea.
Thanks to all at Blipcentral for the
Opportunity to explore our creativity.

And thank you to all who look and take an interest in my journal. Thank you to Blippers who comment even though my response these days has been poor. I have so enjoyed the last 2 years here, and it has led me to pastures new, geographically and photographically. A trip to Edinburgh with Hellonwheels, and meeting up with Lady Findhorn and CanCarrier was excellent fun and a highlight of 2011.

The year has been an up and down time and an interesting blip a day has often been a struggle, but I aim to carry on. For one thing, when I can't remember what on earth I was doing or where I was on a specific day, which seems to happen rather often, I just look at my journal photo. This site could well be marketed as an Aged Persons Helpline!

Thank you each and every one of you; you are what makes this place so amazing.

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