Who knew?

By InOtherNews


Barbed Wire Love, a quality tune by Irish punks The Stiff Little Fingers. The best track from them in my opinion is this or perhaps 'Tin Soldiers'. SLF were the lesser known of two popular punk bands to come out of Northern Ireland. The Undertones were accused of trying to cover up the troubles in the late 70's early 80's, whilst SLF were accused of trying to sell their records on the back of the troubles. Personally I think the music spurned on by feelings, albeit hatred and violence, is far more effective.

Thanks for all the comments yesterday, the shot of me looking desperate and lonely managed to hit the spotlight page. Happy about that.

Had some lovely comments on the back of yesterday, and even had a blip dedicated to me today, so cheers for that. I'm thinking of organising a 'single blippers meet', in my house. I confess the invite list would be predominately female with me there to grease the wheels of love! :-)

I was meant to be attending a photo course with Angie last week, but I missed the first lesson through Lincoln playing (badly) against Shrewsbury. This week? Aldershot away. I have a feeling I'm going to be unable to even start the course let alone finish it. Bit gutted.

Busy day today, quoted for about £4,000 of work which will be nice to get. I missed Ross' birthday Sunday so I'm off to meet him tomorrow night in a pub in town for a beer or two. Should be alright, although I am skint. Discovered I'm £79 overdrawn, and with a lot more to come out times are getting tough. I've only eaten cheese toasties and cereal for three days now: tonight I believe the cereal runs out. I currently shop on the 'buy one get one free' offers to double my meal capacity. However I won't puchae at super cheap shops like Aldi or Netto. Last time I went in Netto they didn't even accept my debit card as they were 'cash only', which I guess suits the business practices of most of the clientelle.

I'd like to shop in Waitrose to be honest. I know everything is a bit more expensive, but I feel so good going in there. It's the only shop that I'll actually dress up to go into. I try and catch pretty girls eyes in there but quite often I get a look as if to say 'whatever you're collecting for I'm far too middle class to contribute to'. Funny that the one time a girl did hit on me in there I was with my ex who was a dog groomer. So there I was being eyed up by a five foot eleven dark haired professional, whilst holding hands with a four foot eleven girl in odd trainers covered in the hair of other peoples dogs.

Life, it really knows when to throw you your chances doesn't it.

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