Who knew?

By InOtherNews

The cat again

I caught her last night perching up high on the television that sits on top of my mums fridge. We have seperate fridges (obviously) as she likes all that fruit stuff and I'm a fan of Coke and beer.

Anyway tonight Rascal was hiding behind the yucca watching the world (me) go by (make some food) and I decided to turn the tables and pulled out my trusty 400D. I like my camera and although I would love a better one I would strongly recommend anyone thinking of buying an entry level DSLR with a budget of circa £200 buy a Canon 400D.

In other news not much is really getting on my wick at the moment. I had a nice chat with t'other half last night and she intimated perhaps I ought to attempt a bit of writing with my photo's again, try slipping back into a rant and a moan. Let's face it: it's what I do best.

I'm actually trying to be a calmer and more restrained person. I'm only occasionally yelling at traffic and today I even spent ten minutes in tesco without loudly proclaiming that the general public are rude and inconsiderate. I'm almost proud of myself.

I have blotted my copy book though with a short series of cruel practical jokes on our very own Jewson Meerkat, Mr Chips. He's been cross cutting a lot of joinery this week and as such has been wearing his special black leathery ear defenders. Now black ear defenders may be stylish but they are not the friend of a man sensitive to practical jokes. On Monday I put a smidgen of ink from an ink pad on them, leaving him with a black mark on his face. Hilarious.

Yesterday JC got wind of it and obviously being the callous and cold hearted sod that he is decided he wanted in. We put a fair bit on them and Chips spent most the day with what looked like bruises on his head and ears. So today we went in for the kill: we inked them proper.

he found out within 15 minutes what was going on. The ink was almost running down his face when our resident genius in the yard asked what the marks were. By this time 8 or 9 people were in on the gag, and it ended with Chips spending ten minutes scrubbing his face and hands.

It made me laugh. I don't care that it is the behaviour of a child.

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