Square peg in a round hole*
Running around kind of day and getting nothing much done. Shopping, then lunch, then rushing off to the notaire figuring a face to face conversation might speed things along a little. And she was as helpful as she could possibly be. Our estate agent has given us the impression that our notaire is a bit annoying, but I have to say she has been nice as pie with me. I think she may have come across to many British folk who don't even try to speak French, so that even my laboured attempts are a joy to her. Well, perhaps joy is stretching it a bit.
So, we may know tomorrow if we can actually move out of our house next Monday. I do hope so as tomorrow all of our tables and our washing machine are being taken away by a friend to be re-homed. Tomorrow I have to climb the mountain to the Mairie (it is actually up a mountain, but I will have the car to help me) and try and persuade them to give me the letter that will mean we can sell our house. "Give me the letter you damn fools - it's only late because you started the public enquiry last week instead of in November when you promised you would and don't forget my taxes are what's been paying you to sit on your ass doing nothing since then" is what I'll be trying very hard not to say.
Still, lovely lunch of fois gras pate on toasted brioche, and fine dinner of lamb with minted crushed buttered potatoes followed by lemon surprise pudding seemed to go down well with the troops. I'm not sure my Valentines day effort on the food front was entirely spotted by Mr B. There's an eloquent and well-worded Valentines rant over here, which is all very well providing the romantic stuff happens on those 'just because' times. I never cared much for Valentines Day, but somehow the lack of any effort today is making me feel grumpy. I know it shouldn't though. I'm all conflicted over it and off to drink some more of the delicious Canadian icewine we found at the back of our wine cupboard (brought over for us in 2003 by Mr B's cousins). Delicious.
*the title was more appropriate for the other shot I was going to post - of a slice of lemon cut square in a glass, shot from above. But it was rubbish, so you can have this shot of my g&t instead.
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