Tit fight
I remember reading somewhere that Valentines Day, in this half of the world, is the day when a bird's thoughts turn to finding a mate. Not much evidence of that in the local bunch of tits. However, the male blackbird (having seen off a rival last week) was hopping hopefully after the female blackbird (who is so large that I think she might have swallowed three fatballs) and whichever woodpecker has been frequenting the table brought a friend along. Mr B felt it was the male showing off the food he could provide within his territory; I felt that given it was the first time in weeks that I've seen the woodpecker on the table rather than under it on the post looking rather confused, that she had shown him where the food actually is. Some large bird had obviously dislodged the fatball from its wire cage (homemade and a bit rubbish to be honest) so the tits had much 'fun' standing on top while pecking it then rolling back and forward. Balance-wise it only really worked as a feeding station with one on each side, but they were too keen on fighting to appreciate that.
Anyway, Mr B broke with tradition by being the first to suggest a notional Valentine's Day activity (calm down you sniggerers at the back) and opened a bottle of pink fizz in honour of the occasion.
The day began, as you might imagine if you saw yesterday from my point of view, slowly. We managed to get to bed remarkably early last night, and waking up with only the choice of putting back on all the clothes I just took off last night does at least remove one level of morning stress. The early finish did not stop the level of nonsense discussed, but does at least mean I can remember most of it. After a hasty breakfast, the snow falling thick and fast outside forced us into an early getaway and we skidded and ABS'ed our way back to our frozen home. Mr B was the brave one who tackled the frozen toilet; I haven't asked him what he did and I don't think he ever wants to speak of it. Some things should remain secret, especially on a day for romance.
Later I will mostly be eating roast pork and hoping the paraffin (which we couldn't be bothered to go and buy more supplies of today) holds out until bedtime. And tomorrow I really should go and find a dentist for that broken tooth. It is noticeably warmer today: the inch of snow that fell this morning had melted just after lunchtime. So that, and probably a few glasses of pink fizz, leaves me feeling wonderfully optimistic about life.
EDIT: yes, I know the table's wonky. But you can either have the upright straight, or the table. Never both. I didn't build it...
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