Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

There's a new Sheriff in town......

There's a new Sheriff in town.......

She's cute, charming, and tiny and she doesn't mess around when it comes to other people following the rules. And she will let you know when a rule has been broken. And this assertive little girl is our daughter.

Here are a few examples:

Today I was on the phone with my Mom and I said, "Oh I hate it when that happens". Ms. Sheriff didn't even miss a beat, "YOU SAID HATE MOMMY!" Oops.

Later on in the afternoon my son was singing silly songs. Songs that were just bordering the line of not being silly anymore. "Pooky tookie, pookie tookie diaper head, haa ha ha". The sheriff, "DAT NOT NICE TO DAY", "DAT IS NOT DUNNY".
(That's not nice to say, that is not funny)

And anytime and I mean any and every time we are driving in the car, you can count on hearing her little voice say one, two or five times, "DAT MAN NOT HAVE A HELMET DON". She can spot the helmet rule breakers from a mile away.

And this evening as my son was saying his prayer: "Dear God, thank you for Mommy, and Daddy, and my sister....." She instantly cut in, "AND DORSELF, DON'T FORGET ABOUT DORSELF!!!" (And yourself, don't forget about yourself)

She's only three, but she already has her own strong opinions. And she keeps us in check every single day. And we love her with every single piece of our heart and our soul.

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