Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

A PIC of the PRO

The photographer. Always behind the lens. Most often seen crouched down low, going for that perfect angle. That stellar shot. Patient. Subtle. Ultra creative with the eye for angles, composition, and lighting. The photographer. Always behind the lens.......until now.

My friend. She is a tender hearted Mother, a new friend that will no doubt become a very close friend, and she is a professional photographer. All wrapped up into one. Today we met for the coffee/stroller walk/duck pond/ playground routine with our kids. She is one of those people that I enjoy spending time with so much. A huge smile, a positive vibe, and an all around cool girl. I am thankful that our paths have crossed.

When we got down to the park late this afternoon, there were probably a hundred ducks and geese mulling around. Someone was in the middle of the pack throwing out bird seed and that sight alone would have made a great photograph. Right as we parked our strollers, the birds...and I mean ALL OF THE BIRDS soon took flight and we had to immediately duck to avoid being side swiped. When the wall of flying birds and feathers passed right over our heads, we instantly looked at each other with the knowing look of, "That was a once in a lifetime shot". Seconds later, we had our fancy cameras out and hoped for something similar to occur again. Unfortunately, the bird feeder was out of seed and the ducks were making their way to the water.

What I loved about that moment was seeing the same excitement that I was feeling in someone else's eyes. I knew that she was wishing for her camera to magically appear in her hands, just as I was. The passion for photography and capturing that moment was blazing in her eyes. I know I am sounding very dramatic right now but it really was an incredible sight and I still can't believe that we didn't get hit by a flying duck... or twenty. The photograph would have been National Geographic Style, especially if she would have captured it. From that moment on, the cameras were out and they were snapping until the sun went down.

When she asked me what my blip was going to be tonight, I said, "Well, I'm pretty sure that you are my blip for the evening". She laughed and said, "Really??? Let me see what you got" and then "yeah, that does look cool". I appreciate and admire pro photographers so much because of their skills, talent, and artistic abilities. I think that their stance while shooting a photo says so much about their style. Are they really getting into the shot? Are they passionate about what it is that they are shooting? I wanted to photograph my friend photographing her shot tonight because she is that dedicated photographer who puts her heart and soul into her work. She reminds me so much of my other friend who is a professional photographer. They both have such a graceful style and they capture the most amazing and artistic shots. One of these days, I'd love to get the two of them together and spend an entire afternoon taking pictures. Two people who love what they do. Two people who inspire me to want to improve my skills and push forward with learning more about manuel settings. Two people who are becoming such good friends of mine.

Tonight, I wanted to introduce the photographer behind the lens...........

Thanks for a memorable day!

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