GAD's 365


A bug's life

You wouldn't believe how long it has taken for this to upload. Laptop has come close to being thrown in the sea.

Anyway, a little back story. It got to about 5 o'clock this evening and it occurred to me that I hadn't taken a single photo all day. Actually that's not quite true, I did take one of Becci in her bikini but that is for myself only you perverts!

I was thinking about all this when this little fella landed next to me. I spent some time macro-ing him to death, before he assaulted me.

I would appreciate somebody identifying him so I can order the correct anti-venom.

Otherwise another blissful day. A leisurely morning. Still both suffering the side effects of devouring what seemed like an entire herd of cattle last night.

This afternoon was spent on a glass bottom boat admiring the coral reefs. Some pretty cool fish here and some that looked like they belong on another planet.

Currently playing around with some super long star exposures (it's 20.30 here). So far hugely unsuccessful but you never know maybe, tomorrows blip in the making.

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