With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Low light and colour

All went well yesterday with the lung dissection, with one girl who really didn't want to know at first, getting stuck in and having a prod. Excellent.
Exams are looming for most of my pupils next week, so I'll have a chance to do some planning and finding my way around the labs.

I stopped to have a look at the lambs in the fields on the way home, but I'm still hoping for a bit more almond blossom and light before I get my shot. This is the car park instead. I love those high ISO numbers! I had time to to stop for a coffee in the square on the way home. This job requires a bit more dressing up than I would have done in the past, and I'm beginning to like it. Particularly now that I have a rather lovely suit from AKHF and could show it off to my friend Isa over a cortado.

Little Agu is now back from tennis, but Ben has to practice late as he's playing with the big boys again this weekend. Another late night for us all, but never mind. Life is full and good.

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