With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Today's list of things to do involved danger and dering do, namely caustic soda, a ladder and a window frame. Followed by wire wool. I'd had a considerable amount of thinking time first thing and was resolved. I called in at the ayuntamiento to tell them about the hole in the road directly outside my front door. Luckily I'd oiledthe door a few weeks ago, because now it's splattered with grit and dirt. When I'd finished with the window frame, the hole was full of green water from the paint and I had to swill it away as I kept getting splashed by thoughtful drivers. I also found a load of termites in a hole on the frame. They didn't like the caustic soda at all. They'll like the stuff I put on them tomorrow even less I hope. Then I shall fill and prime and paint and be so proud of my handiwork. I hope again.

My reward was a cup of tea infront of this flame. Off for dinner tonight with Fiona and Chris. I love Fridays. Oh, and life, did I say that?

Still no marmalade AKHF.

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