With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Out West

There was rain in the night in town, with a chill in the air, that proved to be a dusting of snow on the mountains. I bounded off for the tennis club to find it deserted, just pools of water on the courts. Trainers on, I walked off my energy around the town doing various jobs and then justified it all with lunch with Orisit and Fiona.

Ben was stand in for twisted ankles and sickness for goalies of the older teams again, so Agu picked us up and we high-tailed it for Andratx. We froze our little socks off. God knoes how Ben can stand there for an hour and keep the shots out. They held out for a draw and got back far too late for little boys.

This is the state of play here. A tiny car makes way for a 4 wheel drive on the motorway. This stretch of road is plagued by money and fast cars, that have to mix with the locals going about their business.

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