
The sun came out today, which was a welcomed surprise. I had an eye appointment in the morning with my son's new eye doctor. Figured I liked her so much for him I might as well try too.

I have glasses that I've never worn, as they make my eyes tired the instant I put them on. Turns out my prescription was too strong, which was making things seem clear, but my eyes were still working too hard. I'm glad to know and excited to get my new lenses. I've always liked my glasses but couldn't wear them!

My eyes were dilated also, which revealed that I have a cataract on my right eye. She said that there were a few cloudy spots on my eye but none were over where I would look directly. I'm hoping that never changes. My right eye is my dominant eye. The eye I use for photography. The eye with the sight problem and now a cataract. Nifty. Suppose I'll need to teach my left eye something about photography!

I left early tonight to get home before my husband went off to work. He was grumbling yesterday that I come home too late. Honestly, I am only working an 8 hour day. But I was sidetracked by this incredible sunset. I headed down to the favorite spot and discovered 3 other local blippers!! Pddesigns, Suzy's Scenes, and Steven Michael were all down on the beach snapping away at the amazing display of color and light.

It was a real treat to finally meet Steven Michael, who is a seasoned photographer but newer to blip. And I always love hanging out with pddesigns and Suzy's Scenes. :)

So my eyes are tired and just now finally able to focus. I hope my photo isn't blurry. haha! I suppose I'll see in the morning! :)

Oh, and all I did to this was adjust the white balance, crop and remove some dust spots from a dirty sensor. Wouldn't it be lovely to see such a sight every afternoon?

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