More indoor creativity

Another seriously dismal day outside. Cold, gray, windy and wet. Not unusual for winter in Oregon. Flood warnings throughout the state, but so far we are fine where we live.

Work was Nothing new to report there.

I found out that I may have more photo shoots coming up in the next few months. Word of mouth advertising is like wildfire! Gotta love it. I am finalizing my prices now and can't wait to work with My Mind's Eye over tea/coffee. She is thinking about updating her pricing, so we're excited to hang out. She has such wonderful energy, and we are both able to share back and forth constantly. I love that. So many photographers don't want to "give up their secrets" to others. But I want everyone to be successful and love sharing ideas and information back and forth.

On the way back from picking my son, I did try and manage writing in my little notebook. However, I guess I never thought about how awkward it would be to try and write and drive. Duh. So I only managed a couple of stories. The first was the black Honda civic that he insisted was a Tyrannosaurus car for its sound was "obviously" a growl of the T-rex. And then there was the poor guy walking his little dog in a red sweater out in the rain. My son insisted that it was a fire dog with its red little sweater and that the man was "obviously" a fire fighter. Nice.

Oh, now he's in my face sticking out his tongue trying to tell me that his thungg hurds. I think he must have bit it during dinner.

This image is just the three of us playing around. I always wanted to try one of those mugs with bokeh steaming out, but it didn't work out. Too many little people parts everywhere (I kind of like the little blue legs in this one though). So now the vacuum cleaner is decorated in Christmas lights, and the boys are ready for bed. Oh, and the Kodak camera is my TTV (through the viewfinder) investment off of Ebay.


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