
14 months 28 days

We've had an absolutely wonderful day. We went out for a couple of hours for a long walk this morning, I had her in the rucksack and she was clapping waving and chattering to the old ladies as usual. She was starving when we got back to the car, and troughed everything I offered her. After stopping at a couple of shops (and her eating nearly a full big bag of rice cakes - I remember when 2 was more than she could manage!) it was time for our big activity of the day.

We went ice skating!

It was just wonderful. We went with Ava and her cousin, Darci to the toddler group. Their grandparents do lots at the rink and are retired-super good skaters. They looked after us all when we got there, and their grandad (I must learn his non-grandad name) managed to find three teenytiny pairs of skates. Then it was time for soft play on ice!

Our three did about half an hour in shoes- Katie ran around like it was grass, a beam on her face. She whizzed around in a little car, laughing when i made it spin and skid. She loved it too when Ava's grandad took her for a skate round, and made her fly. They then had about 15 minutes in their skates. She was confused at first but then had a grin on her face as I pushed her along and she made some nice efforts at moving her feet - not an easy task in those boots with little leggies! They then had another 15 minutes playing and Katie and Ava were just adorable. She was pushing Ava around in this car - pushing it herself. And every now and again, she'd stop, they'd have a hug, then carry on. It was wonderful, her face was fantastic. Katie has well and truly caught the skating bug.

From there, we went to meet Granny and Grandad for afternoon tea. Only Katie fell asleep. With half chewed ricecake hanging out her mouth. That was nearly today's blip, only I figured she'd really dislike me for it when she's a teenager. She stayed asleep quite a while in my arms, which gave me time to eat a cream tea! But she woke up in time for cuddles - good job really, as Grandad was about to start prodding her, I think!

I can't count how many books we read in a day. Katie would read the same one twelve times if I let her. She's a little bookworm, and I love to see it. Being a toddler, she totally loves her touchy feely books, anything with animals in it, and popups are just the best thing ever. Then there was just something about how she was laid on her tummy, with her feet in the air, gently kicking back and forward. It's how I often lay, for a film, to read, to play, just havent seen her do it!

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