
14 months 27 days

We had a great night last night. She woke once at midnight but let me cuddle her and put her back down with no milk, then slept til 5.30. She was in a lovely mood after her milk and played for an hour til 7. We pottered about getting leisurely ready and were heading out for tea and toast. When I realised she'd taken the keys out the changing back and hidden them. In her defence, I asked her where they were and she took me to her toy box. I couldnt see them and carried on looking. I went back to that box and they were there. They'd just fallen into a toy. The changing bag is now on a hook.

She was doing sorting again at tea and toast - she had a shopping trolley and went round the church hall and gathered all the toy cars that were scattered round. After tea and toast (which she walked to and home from) a friend asked us to take a load of stuff to the community shop so we did that. Katie did well out of seeing our friends- she got an upgraded play kitchen and the set of Happyland emergency vehicles. She was bushed by the time we got home and was falling asleep on my shoulder as I carried her in the house.

When she got up, we had a play in her room. She decided to climb in with her upstairs soft friends and have a big snuggle. They live in her moses basket. She then emptied them all out, then put them in one by one again. To empty them out.

We went out for milk and she stopped and said hello to everyone we met, grandads at the bus stop, an old lady and her dog (who told me very disapprovingly that Katie is too young to be walking outside - she's been doing it months!!) New words today have included bag (which she said several times to the lady who had our bag in the shop to help with the packing), man, and camera (cam-a)

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