
Hallelujah, the central heating is not having to be put on before its due time today, which is a first since we returned from the lands of the sun and heat.

And the snow is surely melting, dripping from eaves and balconies onto the unsuspecting below. I even swear that the mountain of chipped ice outside from road clearing a month ago is getting smaller.

The sun is shining out of a clear blue sky on the world outside the windows and on the dust inside the Dower House. That's the downside as I chase the dastardly motes with my duster. I see the windows need cleaned too......

My poor patio plants are looking distinctly bedraggled after their heavy white load, but there are little green shoots appearing from the planted spring bulbs, although not a sausage from the much wanted snowdrops.

I have been told that the best way of planting snowdrops is just after they've flowered, while the leaves have not totally died.
I know a good place to find them in the wild, but it's a secret.

I managed to shoehorn his Lordship out from his study this morning for a cup of hot chocolate in the local Swedish cafe. Reluctant doesn't begin to describe his attitude, but sometimes a wife deserves a little attention.
He is busy writing and illustrating with photographs a definitive monograph of our cruise holiday, and nothing is expected to interrupt this oeuvre, hence the reluctance to put a foot outside and be sociable.

But as I type, he declares himself finished and is taking the completed work to the printers. It all seems a bit hasty to me. Heaven help us if he discovers a spelling error after printing. There will be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, I can tell you.

The book club meets tonight to discuss 'Mr Rosenblum's List' without the presence of Sally. Instead of eight, we are now seven. Very sad.

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