
By LadyFindhorn

The Poet and his Muse

Another morning of expending enough energy in the gym to allow me to eat two fingers of KitKat but certainly not to consume one of the six Cadbury's Creme Eggs which sit in their box intact on a kitchen shelf.

Later in the morning his Lordship and I decided to amble into town via the Scottish Parliament for a coffee. It is quite a performance to gain entry. One policeman patrols outside and nine personel man the Xray machine and the pat down procedure. It seems an amazing employment ratio for the number of people going in.

We walked home up the Royal Mile behaving like a couple of tourists - peering down closes and looking in shop windows. I have all this extra time on my hands because the castle is still fairly dust free from last week's hard work, and there are no expected visitors.

His Lordshop seemed happy to pose beside this bronze statue of the 18th century poet, Robert Fergusson outside the Canongate Church. It is reputed that Fergusson inspired our national poet Robert Burns but died tragically young at 24.

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