
Well it was back to work which I have to admit I did quite happily and got plenty done so long may it continue!
Due to work I didnt get out to get a decent picture till it was almost dark. this blip began life as a boring B&W picture of 3 wooden mushrooms. I couldnt think of a title for them and said so to hubby. He sugessted being as they were taken in the gardens of A&B Council I should call them "Council cock up" because this is what they have been doing for the past few months especially in reltaion to school closures (now they arent closing any) instead I think they have chosen to switch off all the street lights as the place seems to be in semi darkness.

However I veered away from his shameful ambiguous suggestion and after a bit of playing around with Picnik I came up with this demeted burach (Gaelic word for mess) Still not happy with it as I am not a creative monkey like #1 daughter who seems to have an eye for editing. Speaking of editing, I took the plunge and sent in my 4 digital images for the really serious camera club competition, needless to say I got the sizing all wrong but the nice secretary mannie sorted that. Finegers crossed ( I really only want to beat just one person as she is so dang cocky AND she does win quite a lot of the time!

Enjoy your blipping folks

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