Feed the birds!

A day of faffing about, internet so slow, has anyone else in Argyll got this problem? First I ran some spy ware and that picked up about 7 odd bods then I defraged and that cleaned up the C drive a bit but it was still slow. In a fit of exaspiration I phoned Talk Talk who recently took over our usual server Pipex. First I got some wifie in bloody Brazil! and I would have been as well talking to the dogs for all the response I got, then she transferred me to Alfredo in Singapore for God's sake! He asked me stupid questions like my name, title ? age (none of his bloody buisiness) then he asked me for my bank details!!Iam sure he now knows a few new English words and I hope he asks his boss what they mean! He then passed me onto some other flaming country who were supposedly going to check my phone line? What happened to the days when you phoned a utility company and the first thing you got was another human being on the line? not a load of automons telling me to press this flaming button then another and then blasting me with lurid music among which was a song saying "relax don't do it" (that song was banned when I was at school if I remember right)

Its time we all rebelled against these bloody phone networks folks and with held our greenshileds untill all our services are returned to this country! mind you I once got a Welsh guy on the phone and couldnt understand a word he said and understood the Bombay chap better! So maybe we should aslo teach them to have better diction no matter where on the planet they live. After over 15 minutes listening to this mind bending muzac, I gave up and took the dogs for a walk!

Have a good blip evening all

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