Peace perfect peace

Still home alone but guess what? slept like a baby from 1am till 9am - magic
Hubby still en route home but has stopped off to see his sisters so thats good. Took doggies out a nice walk up to the Bellanoch viewpoint, very refreshing and makes me feel a whole lot brighter. Beginning to think that half the battle to doing more of this is just changing my mindset to being more active. Less thinking I can't be bothered and more of just go for it eejit!

Some cop activity in the flats behind us, not sure whats going on but this being the goldfish bowl town it is no doubt it will leak out sooner or later.

Got a nice roaring fire on and was supposed to go to Glasgow to a friends 50th but the weather forecast and road conditions have put paid to that, still I might go and ceilidh on my cousin and annoy them instead!

Have a good blipweekend all Update 21.30pm, my day have been uneventful but hubby got stuck on the back road and had to get a lift back to Oban for the night due to the bad weather. Glad I decided not to go to Glasgow after all (always trusted my intuition!)

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