All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Half way up the stairs

As hubbie is working silly hours at the moment (leaving home at 6.30am and not getting home till 9pm-10pm), Ethan & I have come to Beith to stay with my parents for a few nights.

We just chilled out here today apart from a wee trip to Beith Library (where Grandpa took out some books for Ethan) and a visit to his 90 year old friend who likes to see Ethan. He has had great fun climbing up and down Granny & Grandpas stairs though - he just can't get enough of climbing these days!

The only nap Ethan had was in the car on the way here so he was knackered by tea time and sound asleep in the cot by 7pm. Hope this doesn't mean I'm in for a very early awakening tomorrow!

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