
By Appreciation

Oh Scoop!

Up close and personal with the digger on the pier at Queensferry today. Not missing my chance again. Sadly there were people milling around in the grim drizzle on such a grey day - why do they do it? Just meant I couldn't risk getting my leg over the carriage.

Parents in ok fettle. Many jobs to do, some more peculiar than others. The best so far was the suggestion that as my feet are slightly bigger than my mothers would I mind taking her unworn bargain shoes home to wear round the house and stretch them a bit! Not quite sure what the job title here is, or if there is a brownie badge for same.

Tried to get my father to part with some long overdue cash but after a quick shifty through his wallet it seems he doesn't have enough to give me any! I know how much is in there, and I know he is a cheeky wee liar! He had the decency to smirk as he said it.

Bought a pig, several chickens, some lamb and a side of beef at the shops today, along with 3 pounds of broccoli. All excellent bargains. Well I usually try to restrain myself to a vegetarian diet during January.

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