
By Appreciation

Scoop, Muck and Dizzy

They were all there when I took my girl to a friend's house. They were all there when I returned with my camera. They were still all there watching me squeeze through the No Entry barrier. Only Bob the Builder was missing.

I was going to attempt to be braver with my photography this year. I have always admired a power tool, and these are the ultimate in power tools.

If I was able to write to 'Jim'll Fix It' I would ask to ride a digger and to play around in a crane. Those large mucky wheels are terribly exciting. The idea of one huge step up to the cab is enthralling.

Why then did I stand like a frightened rabbit just past the barrier? Why didn't I go right in and play around with the angles of the hydraulics, the colours, perhaps a few rusty textures?

Empty unguarded sites don't come around too often. I blew it big time. This is no brave shot. This is an opportunity missed and I am so cross with myself for letting it slip through my fingers.

Ah well, maybe next time. I'm off in disgust to take down the decorations, parties over folks, there's nothing to see here.

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