Club 107

By club107

Back to the routine

I wanted to find somethying on youtube to set the scene for what I'm going to write, you know the part in the films where the 'team' (say the A-team or some other bunch of guys aiming to save the world) have to secure the area, bolt bits of metal to door frames, pull chains and the like, it would normally involve military style drumming, ok, so you get the picture and hopefully you have the music in your heads.

So today after much wandering around touching the untouchable, breaking bowls, banging on laptops, ignoring toys preferring life on the edge, action was required. So high security fireguards were deployed, fire doors installed, heavy duty padlocks and bolts were applied on all low-lying kitchen appliances, high security shutters were setup on the appearance of any young crawling individuals, sandpits and panic rooms have been created. The area is secure, repeat the area is now secure.

Ok so I put a couple of locks which have been lying the a drawer for 6 years due to uninterested daughters, onto prevent drawers open.

Apart from that, today was spent struggling with a call centre or three, and some bad website offering white or silver goods.

With the wind it felt colder more like minus

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