All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Va va Voom!

One of Ethan's favourite games at the moment is dropping things. Whether it's food from the highchair, toys / books off the bed / sofa or anything he can find lying around upstairs, down the stairs, nothing is safe. And of course mummy has to pick it up so he can do it all over again! Funnily enough, I tire of this game long before he does!

Another thing Ethan is doing more and more of is copying noises we make. He recently started copying Granny and I when we made "bzzzz" noises when reading him a book about bees. And today I was making "vroom" noises when he was playing with his toy cars and he was trying really hard to copy that too. He's not quite there yet but making good attempts.

He was a bit more grumpy than usual today. I'm not sure if it's because it dawned on him he only had me for company today. In fact, it really was only me cos hubbie working late again and hasn't got home by the time I've put Ethan to bed. Good job Ethan woke 5 minutes before hubbie left for work this morning cos that nappy change hubbie did, is the only time he has seen Ethan in the past 48 hours!

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