Wintry beach blip

Family tradition dictates that any family members who happen to be around on New Year's Day head out to Headlands Beach on Lake Erie for a walk and a family photoshoot; however, yesterday the weather dictated otherwise. The temperature was strangely warm on New Year's Day with a high of 58 degrees Fahrenheit, but unfortunately it was raining. By the time the rain stopped, it was too late to go to the beach, so we took a short walk in the park instead and postponed the "Beach Blip" until today.

Only Bob, Gulliver and I were available today, and the temperature had dropped to 23 degrees with a wicked wind, but here is our "Headlands Beach blip" for 2011. Look closely at Gulliver's ear, sticking straight out, and you can see how hard the wind was blowing. Aren't we the intrepid blippers? Or are we just plain crazy...and cold? Brrrr!

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